Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Websphere mq queue manager quiescing or exitvalue 49 ibm mq

Websphere mq queue manager quiescing or exitvalue 49 ibm mq

Error : If Queue Manager not stopped correctly than we would not be able to start Queue manager. Queue manager exists with "exitvalue=49". 

In the log from the MQ manager the last messages is this : 
15-11-2007 16:06:06 - Process(3796.2 User(BATWBIADM) Program(amqrmppa.exe) 
AMQ9542: Queue manager is ending. 

The program will end because the queue manager is quiescing. 
----- amqrmssa.c : 2385 ------------------------------------------------------- 
But when I try to start the manager I get : 
WebSphere MQ queue manager 'MQSINT02' ending. 
exitvalue = 49 

Solution: When Queue manager tried to stop that time some process was running related to Queue Manager so not stopped correctly.

Run below command using dspmq and check status of Queue Manager.

websphere mq queue manager quiescing or exitvalue 49 ibm mq

Now kill all the process related to these Queue managers or Restart system machine and start IBM MQ Series.